Neveskin™ Shape, Tone, & Facials

Neveskin™ is a revolutionary device that uses precise heating and cooling to shape and contour specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, back, and chin. It’s pain free, completely non-invasive and feels like a massage. No suction, no surgery, and no downtime.

The Science

Neveskin™ Shape uses alternating hot and cold massage to help shape the body and improve skin texture and firmness.


What to Expect

  • This safe, quick, painless and effective treatment requires no suction, no surgery and no downtime.
  • Three to six sessions are recommended for best results.
  • Appointment times are 1 hour in duration.

The Science

Neveskin™ Tone uses cold massage to smooth, lift, and firm the skin. Benefits may include; skin texture, elasticity, and cellulite reduction.

What to Expect

  • This safe, quick, and painless treatment requires no suction, no surgery and no downtime.
  • Five sessions on average are recommended for best results.
  • Appointment times are 1 hour in duration.


The Science

Neveskin™ Facials uses cold temperatures to improve circulation and encourage collagen production, helping to reduce signs of aging while brightening, contouring, and lifting. Benefits may include; improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and targeted treatment.


What to Expect

  • This safe, quick, painless and effective treatment requires no suction, no surgery and no downtime.
  • Results are generally noticeable immediately and last 4-5 weeks after treatment.
  • Natural results require continued maintenance.
  • Appointment times are 45 minutes in duration.





Using science that works with your body’s natural systems.


No discomfort

Neveskin™ is known to be comfortable– even relaxing!


No skin damage

Neveskin™ heating and cooling effect increases oxygen supply, aiding in boosting collagen production. That means there’s no damage, just smoother skin and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.


No recovery downtime

Neveskin™ treatments require no downtime and are so convenient you can do them during your lunch break!

Before & After

Book An Appointment

If you're ready to Mbody the fitness and beauty goals you strive for quickly and easily, book your first session with us today!